We Foster Loyalty and Happiness Among Your Employees
WalaPlus delights and supports employees through programs specifically designed for companies and organizations, aiming to enhance employee loyalty, engagement, and happiness

Facts and statistics

In the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, four out of five employees suffer from at least one mental health issue.
Common symptoms
The most common symptoms reported by employees were as follows:
experience burnout
experience work-related anxiety
experience stress
The Pillars of Well-Being in the Workplace
الركائز الخمسة للسعادة والولاء في بيئة العمل


الشعور العام بالرضا والراحة التي يشعر بها الفرد تجاه وظيفته وبيئة عمله ويعتبر عاملا مؤثرا على سعادة الموظفين في عملهم ويؤثر بشكل واضح على أدائهم وانخراطهم في العمل

القدرة على إدارة الأمور المالية الشخصية بشكل صحيح والشعور بحالة الاستقرار المالي من خلال التوازن بين الإيرادات والنفقات، بالإضافة لتعزيز سلوكيات الادخار والتوفير

حالة التوازن النفسي والعاطفي للفرد في مكان العمل بالإضافة إلى القدرة على التعامل مع التحديات والضغوط النفسية المتعلقة بالعمل

الحالة العامة لصحة الموظف وقدرته على ممارسة الأنشطة البدنية اليومية والوظيفية بكفاءة وجودة عالية

القدرة على فهم وإدارة عواطف الموظف بشكل فعال يعزز من العلاقات الصحية والإيجابية للموظف سواء داخل أو خارج العمل

An employee's overall sentiment towards their job, encompassing their level of satisfaction, comfort, and happiness within their work environment
The cost of employee turnover can reach up to 200% of their annual salary

An employee's economic satisfaction, encompassing their financial stability, income, and overall financial health
Financial stress can cost employers up to 90% of an employee's productivity

An employee's psychological health and satisfaction, encompassing their mental resilience, emotional well-being, and overall cognitive function
4 out of 5
employees in Saudi Arabia experience at least one mental health symptom

An employee's physical health and satisfaction, encompassing their physical comfort, safety, and overall physical condition
The annual cost to companies due to decreased productivity resulting from poor health is $530 Million

An employee's satisfaction with their social relationships and interactions in the workplace, encompassing their sense of belonging, support, and community
Companies characterized by high employee engagement achieve profits 21% higher than other companies
Explore our Solutions
With our specialized programs, we ensure your employees feel valued and appreciated, fostering a positive and fulfilling work environment
Empower your employees' financial wellness with exclusive discounts and offers
Recognize and reward your employees' dedication and hard work effortlessly with our easy-to-use platform
Measure and enhance job satisfaction and mental health in your organization

Encourage and support employee physical wellness with our digital fitness platform
Valued partners

Enhance your employees' happiness with events and giveaways
Every successful organization creates memorable moments for its employees during special occasions.